The other day on the kitchen counter by the microwave (another great dumping ground that is forever piling up and forever needing to be cleaned off) I saw this small curlicue of silver and gold ribbon that had come off a package. I looked at it and thought, ”Why am I saving that ridiculously little piece of ribbon? THROW IT AWAY.” And so I did. But last night, I was wrapping a double-pack of Degree “Black Dress” deodorant as a gift to my friend Susan. (OK I know it sounds crazy, but in Manhattan that deodorant costs $7.85 for 2.5 oz and this was the exact same thing but TWO of them for $5.50 in my local Big Lots!) it was tricky to wrap and that ribbon would have been the perfect thing to tie at the top — as soon as I’d pushed myself to throw out that ribbon, within the week I needed it.
This reinforces my absolute abhorrence to throw away
anything. Growing up in a
“depression-mentality” family it’s hard enough, but whenever I do get rid
of something, inevitably I need it.
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And then, amazingly one day we were told we
were all getting NEW electric typewriters. The IBM Selectric 3 with, get ready,
a self-correcting key! This new
improvement was going to make life incredibly easy. IF you made a mistake (which inevitably you
did about a hundred times a day) all you had to do was press this special key (with an X if I remember correctly) and it would backspace and whiteout your mistaken letter! When those typewriters arrived, I swear we
all sat at our desks and just mis-typed so we could see that correction key in
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Back to the bracelet…I loved that bracelet and wore it
everyday until about a month later when one of the keys fell off. I was horrified and glad that I heard it and
had the key. So I tried super-gluing it that night and it held for awhile and
then, unbelievably another key fell off and then another when I wasn't looking
so I took the bracelet off and started looking for the receipt because I couldn't remember exactly where I bought that bracelet, what quaint little
store in which northern California town, and here I was back on the East Coast
. I was so frustrated and mad at myself because I knew, I KNEW I kept that receipt but where?
After awhile I just gave up and had that wonderful bracelet
in a zip-lock snack bag laid to rest in a desk drawer. Then months ago when I was tackling yet
another stack of the papers that seem to accumulate and multiple overnight
while I’m sleeping and there, there in the midst of tiny little crumpled
receipts was the missing one Mrs
Dalloway’s Literary & GardenArts Bookstore, Berkeley California, $60. I cannot believe I paid $60 for a
bracelet in 2006. Well, not one to be
deterred by a mere six years, I wrote Mrs Dalloway’s and sent them my bracelet
the fallen keys and a copy of the receipt, told them I’d been looking for that
receipt for years and pleaded with them
to fix my bracelet and even if they couldn't to return it because I wanted that
backspace key. I didn't have much hope but I wanted to believe in the kindness
of strangers.
Now that I’m leaving my job of the past 4+ years I've been
trying to clean out my files and bookshelves and desk and there in one of the
drawers I found the note I’d written to Mrs Dalloway’s; I’d completely
forgotten about the bracelet so I called the phone number on the receipt and
said I’d sent my bracelet months ago and not heard a thing…and after an
apologetic response this flurry of email exchanges took place:
Apologies for not
writing back to you immediately upon receipt of your letter with accompanying
bracelet which you purchased in 2006. Had you contacted us right away there
might have been something we could do. At this point it is very doubtful, but
as it happens I am going to see the maker next week (have not seen her in
months, in fact), and ask her for a special favor for you. I make no promises,
but I will try. The first generation of these bracelets had a lot of problems
like this; now she makes them differently and the keys don't fall off.
Stay tuned & Best New Year's Wishes,Marion
A week later:
Stay tuned & Best New Year's Wishes,Marion
A week later:
maker is going to re-build your bracelet. Stay tuned.
And then two weeks later, in the mail came a small package from “Nancy” with a note saying all was fixed. I am once again in receipt of my bracelet.
You are welcome. Nancy is a dear, and she went out of her way for both of us. Wear it in good health. Marion
And I will. "Back Spacer" and all — — —
I LOVE this--both for its resonant "glance into the past" we both shared and for your persistence in following up on a "project" that you cared about--no matter how long it took! It's also a wonderful affirmation of the Kindness of Strangers motif that runs through our lives! Now how can I order one of these bracelets for myself??