Friday, January 26, 2024


Recently I had the chance to spend time with two high-school (50 years ago) classmates. It was great to reminisce, question, uncover, reveal, different bits and pieces of our shared history.  With one friend, our association then was completely in passing---a hello-goodbye relationship (as I recall). The other was someone who was in my life, a sister cheerleader.  Hers was an absolute Father Knows Best family, unlike anything I knew (save for TV).  And I was lucky enough, also, to work for her father.  A real job, cleaning his office and once a week, in addition to a paycheck, I had access to a real father and that was a gift to me.

It struck me that they shared/remembered/had many more memories than I did. 

Had we not participated in the same sphere of events? OR had I not felt those experiences because I was working so hard to appear "normal." 

For me, life was far from normal.