Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Most Important Word?

" 'Freedom' is the most important word in the entire dictionary. You know about it when you lose it and then you have a completely different idea and perspective of the whole thing," said Arturo Sandoval, recent recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom and Cuban jazz trumpeter who yearned for freedom from an early age. 

My father loved listening to Arturo Sandoval.  Though Middle Eastern music was his favorite, followed by the Mills Brothers and some other smoothies of the forties, late in life he discovered Sandoval and played his CDs.

Since the award, Sandoval was widely quoted about this "most important word" both in the title of the award and in the entire dictionary, and it got me to thinking.  What is the most important word to me?

Freedom is without a doubt a tremendous choice but it made me wonder, what about "love"?  Is freedom as meaningful when you're without love?  Is love enough to sustain someone when they lack freedom?  

If you ask someone in organizational development they'll say the most important word is "we" and others would say it's "why?" because it propels us.

So weigh in out there...what's the most important word to you?
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  1. Freedom is an abstract noun, there is no feeling associated  with it that I could not also experience when I feel love.   Love is an abstract noun too, but it is also a verb,  a reflex of the heart, and in the action of loving, freedom is  present.   For me, freedom pales in the company of love.  

    1. I never thought of it that way..thank you for sharing!

  2. i think food is the most important word

    1. Well, that sure makes sense to me! And I never thought of it! Thanks for the response!

  3. Yes, freedom, love, we
    I do think love is possible even where there is no freedom, so love seems to win out
    As for ‘we’ ... love implies the we-ness of things
    So perhaps love; as Dante says, ‘the thing that moves the sun and the other stars’ [the end of the Commedia]

    But as a writer, the best most important word is the one that finally, after endless tries, does come---a gift you didn’t deserve

    1. I have been in that place where the word DIDN'T come, so yes when THAT word comes, I am grateful. Thank you for your insight!

  4. Freedom and peace are important. Love also. I wish there was peace in the world.

    1. PEACE...that is HUGE. Thanks for opening my eyes to that...
